Cavity Free Ecotube Couplings

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Cavity Free Ecotube Couplings

The patented Ecotube fittings from Schwer Fittings are categorised as fittings with no gaps or dead spaces. They are mainly used where smooth and piggable transitions are required on the inside of the pipe.

Verschraubungen Lackindustrie

The Ecotube screw fittings are ideal for use in painting systems, food production and vacuum conveying systems, where they are also used as a standard version by well-known manufacturers. 

They are also used as connecting elements in conveyor systems where the sealing element is damaged by particle abrasion. 

Due to the unique installation situation of the sealing elements, an outstanding position is maintained within the bolting technology.

The fittings consist of just a few parts: the flanged connection piece, the threaded connection piece with sealing ring and the union nut. The flanged connection piece and threaded connection piece are screwed together with the thread using the union nut. When the flanged and threaded sockets are joined together, they are centred using machined geometry elements, which fixes the screw connection parts in the µm range (using a precisely defined geometry).

The union nut is designed with a hexagon or octagon on the outer contour, while the threaded connection piece is designed with a bicorner. This ensures precise clamping of the threaded parts during final assembly with open-end spanners.

The welding ends of the collar and threaded connection pieces are designed for the selected welding techniques (orbital, oxyfuel, etc.) depending on the user's requirements. Special connections are also possible at any time.

Ecotube, Verschraubung, molchbar, Lackverschraubung

The sealing function is performed by an O-ring. Depending on the application, this can be made of a commercially available elastomer or FEP-coated. Other sealing materials can be realised very quickly thanks to standard sizes.

The sealing elements are chambered (all round) and lie outside the media flow and are therefore not in direct contact with the medium. This means that no particles from the sealing element enter the medium chamber. Due to this installation situation, the seals are also ideally suited for vacuum applications.

Matching pipes, hoses with stainless steel braiding, hose connectors and pump connection pieces round off the programme.